Uruguay Flag
The explanation for the symbols of the Uruguayan Flag
The flag of Uruguay was adopted July 12, 1830 It is composed of nine stripes, alternating blue and white. In Canton, we can see the emblem Sol del Mayo (May sun). This is a common symbol with the flag of Argentina, which bears it at its center. The colors are also similar because these two flags are a direct reference to the United Provinces of Central America (such as El Salvador). The colors used are very close to the neighboring countries, such as Honduras. The 9 stripes recall, as on the flag of the United States, the provinces which formed the country. Sol del Mayo symbolizes meanwhile the Inca god Inti. This is a reference to the May (del mayo) Revolution of 1810, which saw the Central America free itself from Spanish domination.
National Uruguayan Flag
You can download it in different sizes, in a decidedly modern design for your personal use, or for wider use. Uruguay's flag is available in 4 different sizes.
![Large Uruguayan flag](../country-flag/Uruguay/flag-uruguay-M.jpg)
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