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Netherlands Flag

The explanation for the symbols of the Dutch Flag

The flag of the Netherlands is very close to the one of Luxembourg, except for its size and the blue colour, which is stronger here. Some think it because the Dutch political power has long led the Luxembourg, but nothing is confirmed yet. It comes from Prinsenvlag, the flag of Prince. Even though it is very close Pan Slavic flag, adopted in 1848 in Prague, the colours are inverted (blue is low), the Dutch people do not have the same origins. William the first of Orange-Nassau, who led the revolt against the domination of Spain, was the first give the Netherlands a flag, which had previously only those of its provinces. He then ordered the creation of a flag that bore orange - white - blue (heraldic colours). In the seventeenth century, the orange has to leave his place of red to a simple question of visibility. This excludes the merger with the French flag, which is said to have served as a basis for many flags from around the world. In fact, William of Orange-Nassau imagined these colours before the French Revolution.

National Dutch Flag

You can download it in different sizes, in a decidedly modern design for your personal use, or for wider use. Netherlands's flag is available in 4 different sizes.

Large Dutch flag

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Flag of Netherlands